2024년은 제가 애틀랜타에 정착한지 만 36년이 됩니다. 미국생활 42년동안에 뉴욕, LA 및 마이아미등지에서 꽤 장기간 살아보았지만, 지금 사는 애틀랜타 만한 곳이 없는 것 같습니다.  특히 미국 북쪽지방에서 의사, 교수 및 자영업등을 하시다가 은퇴하시고 이곳으로 이주 정착하신 분들의 이야기를 들으면, 한결같이 애틀랜타에서의 생활에 매우 만족하심을 토로하십니다.

2024 marks thirty-six years since I arrived in Atlanta. In my life in the States, I've lived in different places including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. None have compared to Atlanta. Retirees from the Northeast and Midwest tell me how happy they are to call Atlanta home. Money Magazine agrees, ranking Atlanta the Best City to Live in their October 2022 article. Below is a guide to Georgia’s many livable attributes.

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You don’t get more pro-business than Atlanta

You don’t get more business-friendly than Georgia


미국동남부의 중심도시로 정치, 경제, 문화 및 항공교통의 중심지로서 매우 편리합니다.

As the Southeast’s capital, Atlanta has great infrastructure, governance, and culture, as well as a thriving business sector. Georgia’s pro-business ethic has made it an appealing option for international companies, including Mercedes-Benz and SK Group. The Georgia Department of Economic Development attracts corporate investors and conglomerates to the state. Korean-owned small businesses are served by the Southeast U.S. Korean Chamber of Commerce. There are a wealth of minority-owned businesses inside and outside the Perimeter. Invest Atlanta helps metro-area businesses grow and thrive.

We’re also home to the world’s busiest airport, making domestic flights and international travel a breeze.

Crepe myrtle trees along Atlanta’s Beltline

Crepe myrtle trees along Atlanta’s Beltline


기후 및 자연환경이 좋아 연중 산책 및 골프등 야외활동을 즐길 수있고, 천재지변 (지진, 토네이도, 허리케인, 홍수, 산불등) 이 없습니다. 

Georgia enjoys temperate weather and distinct seasons. We have mild winters, a glorious springtime, hot summers, and crisp fall weather. You can enjoy outdoor activities such as kayaking, hiking, and golf. Spring is marked by a gradient of blooms: bradford pears, cherry blossoms, dogwoods, magnolias, honeysuckles, and crepes myrtles. We are generally untouched by natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires. The effects of climate change have been mild so far, but the state is not entirely immune, either. Georgia has an abundance of forest and trees to offset heat islands.

Big Dumpling stall in Mega Mart

Big Dumpling stall in Mega Mart


주택비용, 식품, 가스 및 음식값이 타주에 비하여 매우 저렴합니다. H-MART, 아씨, 남대문, MEGA MART, 시온마트등 한국식품점이 가까운 거리에 즐비하게 위치해 있어, 다양한 식품을 저렴하게 공급합니다.

Compared to other states, Georgia offers a good quality of life at a value. Housing expenses, groceries, gas, and dining out are all available at different price points. Abundant local produce is sold everywhere, including farmers markets. Homeownership is still an attainable dream.

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